Long-term Insights Briefing: Consultation on the Ministry of Transport’s topic

Closed 10 Sep 2024

Opened 20 Aug 2024


The Ministry of Transport is consulting on a topic for its next Long-term Insights Briefing (LTIB). Our proposed topic is ‘travel demand in 2050’ and the LTIB will respond to the following question:

What are the drivers and trends that will most directly influence demand for land-based transport in New Zealand over the next 25 years, and what are the range of feasible options for responding to this demand?   

We are seeking feedback on the topic and any key issues we should focus on.

You can download the consultation document here

Consultation closes at 5pm on 10 September 2024.

What is a Long-term Insights Briefing (LTIB)?

The Public Service Act (2020) requires government departments to publish LTIBs at least once every three years.

The purpose of an LTIB is to increase the public service’s focus on the long term, by making publicly available:

  • information about medium and long-term trends, risks and opportunities that affect or may affect New Zealand and New Zealand society, and
  • impartial analysis, including policy options for responding to these matters.

Sending your submission

You can fill out the online survey or you can email your submission to ltibconsultation@transport.govt.nz