Long-term Insights Briefing: The impact of automated vehicles operating on Aotearoa New Zealand roads

Closed 27 May 2022

Opened 6 May 2022


Long-term Insights Briefings (LTIB) are future focussed documents that are intended to provide greater visibility of future challenges and opportunities that may affect New Zealand and New Zealand society. They provide government agencies an opportunity to think beyond their day-to-day business and consider those issues that do not often get priority but have important implications for the future of their organisations.

Each agency is required to develop a LTIB at least once every three years. Chief executives are required to select the subject matter for the Briefing. They must do this by considering those trends, risks and opportunities that are particularly relevant to their department’s functions. The inaugural briefings need to be presented to Parliament by 30 June 2022.

The Ministry has chosen to investigate the impact automated vehicles (AVs) could have on the transport system and transport outcomes. This is an opportunity to take a “deep dive” into a specific area of transport that we believe will present significant challenges and opportunities for the transport system over the next 10-15 years.

You can download LTIB - Consultation Document here. 

Or you can view it here. 

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Click here for more information about our Automated Vehicles Work Programme.

Why your views matter

We are seeking your views on the final draft of our LTIB. The LTIB will help inform future policy work around regulating automated vehicles operating on New Zealand roads. We encourage you to make a submission to contribute to this important work.

Public consultation on our final draft LTIB runs until 27 May 2022

The final LTIB will be presented to a Select Committee at the end of June 2022.